# PHP Hooks

There are several hooks that allow you to include your custom classes and functionality at the right time, in the right place:

# General

(action) carbon_fields_loaded

Called immediately after booting up Carbon Fields is done.

(action) carbon_fields_register_fields

Called prior to registering the Fields. This is the hook where you should register your fields.

(action) carbon_fields_fields_registered

Called after all Fields have been registered.

(action) carbon_fields_container_activated

Called after a Container has been activated.

(action) carbon_fields_{container_type}_container_saved

Called after a Container has been saved. Container type can be post_meta, term_meta, nav_menu_item etc.

(action) carbon_fields_field_activated

Called after a Field has been activated.

# Container

(filter) carbon_fields_{container_type}_container_static_condition_types ( $condition_types )

Allows you to modify the allowed condition types for a specific container type. Useful if you extend Carbon Fields with a custom Condition as shown in the Extending section of this documentation.

  • array<string> $condition_types Array of allowed condition types

(filter) carbon_fields_container_static_condition_types ( $condition_types )

Identical to the above, but affects all container types.

  • array<string> $condition_types Array of allowed condition types

(filter) carbon_fields_container_is_valid_attach ( $is_valid, $container )

Allows you to have greater control over container display condition checking. For example, you can hook to this filter and add a custom if() check whether any container should be displayed to the user.

  • boolean $is_valid Defines whether the save conditions are valid
  • Container $container The container instance

(filter) carbon_fields_container_is_valid_save ( $is_valid, $container )

Allows you to have greater control over container save condition checking. For example, you can hook to this filter and add a custom if() check whether any container should save it's values on submission.

  • boolean $is_valid Defines whether the save conditions are valid
  • Container $container The container instance

# Theme Options Container

(filter) carbon_fields_{container_title}_button_label ( $label )

Allows you to modify the button label of the theme options container. The filter name is based on the container's title. For example, the filter name for a container with a title of Theme Options would be carbon_fields_theme_options_button_label.

  • string $label The unfiltered button label.

(filter) carbon_fields_theme_options_container_admin_only_access ( $enable, $container_title, $container )

Allows you to override the default requirement for the manage_options capability in order to interact with this container.

Add the following to your functions.php to disable this filter entirely:

add_filter( 'carbon_fields_theme_options_container_admin_only_access', '__return_false' );
  • boolean $enable Whether to enable to disable this behavior.
  • string $container_title The container title.
  • string $container The container object.

# User Meta Container

(filter) carbon_fields_user_meta_container_admin_only_access ( $enable, $container_title, $container )

Allows you to override the default requirement for the manage_options capability in order to interact with this container.

Add the following to your functions.php to disable this filter entirely:

add_filter( 'carbon_fields_user_meta_container_admin_only_access', '__return_false' );
  • boolean $enable Whether to enable to disable this behavior.
  • string $container_title The container title.
  • string $container The container object.

# Field

(filter) carbon_fields_should_delete_field_value_on_save ( $delete, $field )

Allows you to modify whether fields delete their old value records before saving the new ones.

  • boolean $delete Defines whether to delete the previous field value(s)
  • Field $field The field instance

(filter) carbon_fields_should_save_field_value ( $save, $value, $field )

Allows you to modify whether fields save their new value. For example, can be used to prevent fields from saving empty values.

  • boolean $save Defines whether to save the new field value(s)
  • mixed $value The new field value(s)
  • Field $field The field instance

# Association Field

(filter) carbon_fields_association_field_title ( $title, $name, $id, $type, $subtype )

Allows you to modify the title of the association field items. Helpful when implementing custom association items. Passes the following parameters:

  • string $title The unfiltered item title.
  • string $name Name of the association field.
  • int $id The database ID of the item.
  • string $type Item type (post, term, user, comment, or a custom one).
  • string $subtype Subtype – page, post, category, etc.

(filter) carbon_fields_association_field_item_label ( $label, $name, $id, $type, $subtype )

Allows you to modify the label of the association items. Helpful when implementing custom association items, or when you want to change the default label. Passes the following parameters:

  • string $label The unfiltered item label.
  • string $name Name of the association field.
  • int $id The database ID of the item.
  • string $type Item type (post, term, user, comment, or a custom one).
  • string $subtype Subtype – page, post, category, etc.

(filter) carbon_fields_association_field_comment_length ( $number, $name )

Allows you to change the number of characters, visible from the comment text in an item. Passes the following parameters:

  • int $number Number of characters. Default: 30
  • string $name Name of the association field.

(filter) carbon_fields_association_field_options_{name}_{type} ( $options ) (filter) carbon_fields_association_field_options_{name}_{type}_{subtype} ( $options )

Allows you to modify the available options of the association field with name {name} from the {type} type and of the {subtype} subtype where applicable.

  • array $options An options array that will be passed to the underlying query instance.
  • if you want to filter the page post type options of the crb_association field, you would use the following filter: carbon_fields_association_field_options_crb_association_post_page

  • if you want to filter the category term options of the crb_association field, you would use the following filter: carbon_fields_association_field_options_crb_association_term_category

  • if you want to filter the users options of the crb_association field, you would use the following filter: carbon_fields_association_field_options_crb_association_user

  • if you want to filter the comments options of the crb_association field, you would use the following filter: carbon_fields_association_field_options_crb_association_comment

(filter) carbon_fields_association_field_options ( $options, $name )

Allows you to filter the available options of a association field. Passes the following parameters:

  • array $options Unfiltered options.
  • string $name Name of the association field.

# Gravity Form Field

(filter) carbon_fields_gravity_form_options ( $options )

Allows you to modify the available GravityForms options.

  • array $options GravityForm options

# Map Field

(filter) carbon_fields_map_field_api_key ( $api_key )

Allows you to set your own API key for Google Maps.

  • string $api_key The Google Maps API key

(filter) carbon_fields_map_field_api_url ( $api_url )

Allows you to completely replace the Google Maps JavaScript API URL.

  • string $api_url The Google Maps API URL

(filter) carbon_fields_sidebar_default_options ( $options )

Allows you to modify the default sidebar options for sidebars created through Carbon Fields.

  • array $options The default sidebar options as provided to register_sidebar()

(filter) carbon_fields_sidebar_options ( $options )

Allows you to modify the sidebar options for every sidebar created through Carbon Fields.

  • array $options The sidebar options as provided to register_sidebar()
Last Updated: 3/23/2021, 11:15:16 AM