# JavaScript API

Carbon Fields provide a useful JavaScript API on administration screens with visible containers which you can use to manipulate field values, for example.

Important: Carbon Fields use React + Redux which is why when setting a field's value you must ALWAYS use a "fresh" value rather than a reference to an old one. This is why the api exposes the immutable (opens new window) library (api.immutable - you can find example usage below).

Note: when referring to fields you use a Field Name Pattern - more information can be found in the Field Name Patterns documentation page.

# API Methods

api.getFieldValue( fieldName )

Get a field's value.

api.setFieldValue( fieldName, value )

Set a field's value.

api.addComplexFieldGroup( fieldName[, groupName] )

Add a group to a complex field. groupName is optional when the field does not have defined group names.

api.removeComplexFieldGroup( fieldName, groupIndex )

Remove a group from a complex field by it's index.

# API jQuery Events


Triggered when the Carbon Fields' JS API is loaded.

Parameter Description
event Event Object
api API object which is used to communicate with Carbon Fields


Triggered when a field's value changes.

Parameter Description
event Event Object
fieldName Name of the field that was updated


Triggered when a field is being validated. This event actually behaves like a WordPress filter - you have to return a value. This enables you to define your own custom validation and error messages (an example can be found below).

Parameter Description
event Event Object
fieldName Name of the field that is being validated
error The current error message for the field or null

# Examples

# Getting the API object instance
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // your api actions here
# Getting a field's value
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // Get the current value in the 'crb_text' field
    var value = api.getFieldValue( 'crb_text' );
# Referring to fields inside complex fields
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // Get the current value in the 'text' field
    // which is inside the first entry of the 'subcomplex' field
    // which is inside the first entry of the 'crb_complex' field
    var value = api.getFieldValue( 'crb_complex[0]/subcomplex[0]/text' );
# Setting a field's value
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // Set the current value of the 'crb_text' field to "Hello World"
    api.setFieldValue( 'crb_text', 'Hello World' );
# Partially updating a field's value

In order to update fields that hold multiple value properties (e.g. Map has lat, lng, zoom and address) we must use the immutable library exposed by the API.

In the following example we only want to update the zoom property of the map to 5:

$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    var value = api.getFieldValue( 'crb_map' );
    value = api.immutable.set( value, 'zoom', 5 );
    api.setFieldValue( 'crb_map', value );
# Setting a complex field's value
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // Set the current value of the 'crb_complex' field (which has a single "mytext" child field) to 2 entries
    api.setFieldValue( 'crb_complex', [
            // _type => 'your_group_name_here', // optional: use only if you've specified group names on field definition
            mytext: 'Hello'
            // _type => 'your_group_name_here',
            mytext: 'World'
    ] );
# Detecting value changes
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    // Hook to all field changes and log the changed field's name and new value
    $(document).on('carbonFields.fieldUpdated', function(e, fieldName) {
        console.log('Field updated: ' + fieldName);
        console.log('New value:');
# Custom validation
# NB! set_required() must be called for fields you wish to add custom validation to.
$(document).on('carbonFields.apiLoaded', function(e, api) {
    $(document).on('carbonFields.validateField', function(e, fieldName, error) {
        console.log('Field being validated: ' + fieldName);
        console.log('Current error, if any: ' + error);

        // Add your own validation logic here
        // To raise an error return any string which will serve as the user-friendly error message
        // To not raise an error return `null`
        // To not interfere with the built-in validation return the `error` variable argument

        // This example will raise an error if the field's value is not an even number
        // If the value is even, it will proceed with validation as usual
        if (fieldName === 'some_field_name_here') {
            var value = api.getFieldValue(fieldName);
            if ( parseInt( value ) % 2 !== 0 ) {
                return 'The entered value is not an even number';
        return error;
Last Updated: 3/23/2021, 11:15:16 AM