# Field Name Patterns

A Field Name Pattern is a string which is used as a way to refer to a specific field when using the PHP or JavaScript APIs (mainly when getting or setting a field's value).

# Pattern schema


# Examples

In the following examples we'll show you several field definitions and the corresponding patterns to refer to them.

Field::make( 'text', 'crb_text' )
Pattern Refers to
crb_text The crb_text field

Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_services' )
    ->add_fields( array(
        Field::make( 'text', 'name' ),
    ) )
Pattern Refers to
crb_services The crb_services field
crb_services[0]/name The name field for the first crb_services group
crb_services[1]/name The name field for the second crb_services group

When you have custom groups defined you must specify the group name in the field pattern in order to resolve the correct fields (as different groups can have fields with identical names):

Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_services' )
    ->add_fields( 'digital', array(
        Field::make( 'text', 'name' ),
    ) )
    ->add_fields( 'physical', array(
        Field::make( 'textarea', 'name' ),
    ) )
Pattern Refers to
crb_services The crb_services field
crb_services[0]:digital/name The name field for the first crb_services group
crb_services[1]:digital/name The name field for the second crb_services group

Field::make( 'complex', 'crb_service_types' )
    ->add_fields( array(
        Field::make( 'text', 'name' ),
        Field::make( 'complex', 'services' )
            ->add_fields( array(
                Field::make( 'text', 'name' ),
            ) )
    ) )
Pattern Refers to
crb_service_types The crb_service_types field
crb_service_types[0]/name The name field for the first crb_service_types group
crb_service_types[0]/services The services field for the first crb_service_types group
crb_service_types[0]/services[0]/name The first name field for the first services group for the first crb_services_types group
Last Updated: 3/23/2021, 11:15:16 AM